"I was sixty at the time, I heard about this place. They say it was run by the most elite. Apparently all forms of life made up Kyron's elite or Uth Malthornas as they were called. Word had it they also helped the first king against the Neractu or Drows as they are known today," stated Asamire. "It was rumored that Kyron himself spoke to each member of this unit and that they feared not of fighting for their order, ancient scrolls even state that the order was run by an elf, they also stated he always emphasized how well Kyron rewards the followers yet he appeared to be above the gods with power of the arcane that strived passed any mortals knowledge and yet he commanded a mixed army of professions each following another's orders within the army." Asamire paused for a wile then continued "kind of strange how when one looked upon the army they saw chaos yet you stare deeply into it to find more about them and you realize the chaos that was once there was never there, each member was following a leader even if no voices were heard." Nodding in affirmation Jacabe continued adding bits to his companions speech "They donated greatly to the kingdom yet no penny was ever found on a member, it was rumored that one joined them in search of something and that it would be found if that is what you seek." Jacabe finished. "Yes that rumor did go around as did numerous other ones but probably the main one that hit me was how they appealed to both the holiest knight within the kingdom and also the assassins of the sewers," replied Asamire. "It was said they were classed as the kings saviors yet they turned on him just after the Great war, thus the reason for the charge of treason and the bones burned and scattered in there headquarters," retorted Jacabe. "You do know however that this elven leader of the Uth Malthornas was never found, nor was all the members of the army but what makes it more strange is that after all the pain this army created the king allowed the order to keep the land and grow as a dying wish even though it was rumored that all the order and its members were burned within this temple along with all their books of learning" Asamire replied as he could feel the eeriness leave his body. |