"Hmpf, then the queen declared this temple cursed and none of the guards ever patrolled here and everyone feared it for it was said they still gather here for meetings and deal the justice to those who have gone against their wishes" replied Jacabe. Both men fell silent for a few seconds then they both spoke at once "most of the humans today still think its myth for this army has not shown its course since the great war." They quickly got up and continued in search, Asamire stopped and hissed "Hey Jacabe I hear voices from under here" He quickly kicked away the bones and scraped the ash of the floor to find a trapdoor. "You found the book?" Jacabe asked wile looking at his friend kicking bones and ash vigorously off the floor. "No, a trapdoor, I wonder if it's open" replied Asamire. Jacabe looking at his companion heard a whispering voice "Things are never quite as they seem." Jacabe startled at these words and looked around, he then looked at his companion who stood above a trapdoor that had just been opened, a loud thundering boom could be heard rumbling. "Get away from it Asamire!" yelled Jacabe, but it was no use. Jacabe appeared deaf to the world as he stared down the trapdoor. The noise appeared to be coming from the opened trapdoor, Jacabe watched in horror as his companion was blown to the south wall of the temple by a large gust of wind. As quick as the sound came it left, Jacabe rushed over to his companion, "can you hear me, wake up Asamire, wake up!" yelled Jacabe. His companions body was frozen solid, Jacabe gasped as the body of his companion slowly crumbled into the ash... <the old man raised from his chair to notice everyone was listening except a small group in the corner who appeared to care less about any other with the tavern. The old man walked towards the door only to hear the whispers louder then ever, they appeared to be coming from the corner but he could not muster the courage to look upon the corner table members as he exited the tavern...>