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Tshemis did eventually overcome his distress and forgave Yosha, not unlike most other residents of Green Cove, who, despite her antics, found her to be generally helpful and good-hearted. Myzh, the community's cat, did eventually fade from a virulent violet to a murky grey and eventually back to his accustomed orange, none the worse for the experience, and still regularly seen trailing Yosha about.

Myzh, as it would happen, was Yosha's best friend in Green Cove. Always drawn to soft and furry creatures, and small enough to ride about on Myzh's back when he allowed her to, Yosha was immediately taken in by his thick orange fur, tickly whiskers, and gentle purring. He accompanied her on many an adventure about the forest, although politely declined to join her in her water escapades. Indeed, Myzh's curiosity nearly matched Yosha's own, and thus he made an excellent companion for exploration. His sharp teeth and claws provided a deterrent to most would-be predators seeking an easy meal of a soft and tiny faerie, and her sharp eyes were ever on the lookout for catnip or other goodies for Myzh. All in all, it was a good arrangement, and many years passed before anything changed this.

Having lived a long and comfortable life, Myzh passed away quietly during a nap in a patch of sunlight. Much to Yosha's dismay, she discovered his unresponsive form and quickly reported the tragedy to the rest of Green Cove. Myzh, much-loved by the community's other inhabitants, was greatly mourned and a proper funeral was promptly arranged. After the ceremony, Yosha disappeared and did not resurface for a good many days, leaving her neighbors to worry that she had run away or done something drastic.

Not the sort to simply give up, Yosha had simply indulged her grief in a quiet grotto on her own, preferring the silence and solitude to the rustling of Green Cove. Upon her return, her companions noticed that she was uncharacteristically subdued and reserved, and correctly attributed her mood to the loss of her beloved Myzh. It seemed her days of playing and adventuring had come to an end.

This state, however, was short-lived, for after only a few cycles of the moons, a new distraction arrived in Green Cove. A travelling merchant had found his way through the forest and literally stumbled across the home of Dian, the local musician. After apologies and repairs were made, the merchant was quickly dragged to the center of the settlement, where he was able to peddle quite a lot of his wares. He was also persuaded to impart tales of his travels, which he related with a great deal of gusto.

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