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Then came the day of the wedding. The massive Cathedral of the seas was open to all, and joyous celebrations started well before the bride and groom were available. I stood upon a pinnacle, looking down at reveleries. A bracing wind blew, with the scent of the sea. I took it as a sign that the gods were pleased by my actions, and started the casting. A pouch of snake's eyes, and the juice of a root known to kill by it's scream when it was uprooted. I had to be careful, a single wrong word and I might kill myself. I then took out the last component. A single strand of Aluadin's hair, I held up the silken strand, my mind screaming at me to regain my senses, but the magic drowned all that, till all that I heard were echoes of the words of power which I would use.

I looked up, and..ahh, there was Aluadin, and Desma, smiling like the fools they were, and twining their arms together in a sign of eternal love. If even a part of me was urging me not to do this, then it silenced itself when it saw the cursed sight of my best friend twining his arm around the arm of my beloved. He will pay for this, I vowed silently, even as I started uttering the arcane words. I stroked Aluadin's strand of hair as I spoke, and then, as the last syllable was uttered, I flung it into the small circle I drew into the ground. It burned immediately as it fell amongst the snake eyes and the root juice. For a moment, all was silent, and then...

The skies darkened, and the winds began to howl. The sea, started to crash, agitated by the release of occult powers. Aluadin, looking around for the source of this, suddenly happened to see me. His eyes locked on to my still figure above the pinnacle, and for a moment the world froze. I almost swear I could see his face up close, looking at me with a mixture of anger, hatred, and even worst, cruel understanding. I stood frozen under that gaze, and all of a sudden, I came to my senses.

Gods, what have I done? Even as I started a canceling spell, the spell reached it's final stage. A small rip formed at Aluadin's solar plexus, and enlarged. It grew larger and larger, then, with a crash of sound, that would do honour to the lightening of the gods, it cut through him, killing him in an instant, and splattering his remains all over. The sight of Desma, beautiful even when half of her was tainted with Aluadin's blood, shall haunt me till my grave.

<Read On....>