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"This is all very good," The girl interjected, "But what does it have to do with any adventures you've been on?" She almost regretted speaking when his eyes flashed with anger, and she thought he might have leapt across the table at her, but he spoke in a voice just as calm as when he began.

"This is a story of my adventure. You may leave, if you wish. It was your own idea to come to me, and ask for my story. If you wish to hear it, then you will sit quietly and listen. Elsewise, leave me to my drink and to my thoughts." She swallowed any kind of response she might have mumbled under the weight of his eyes, and he continued.

"Daos saw the world that he and his sibling gods had created. It was green and blue and beautiful, but it was not alive. He wanted for his creation to live, and so he began a second song, one designed to create life and fill his world with it, so that it could thrive and be splended. The song he sang was soft and beautiful. I could not hope to explain to you how beautiful a song it was. It was a melody filled with light, but it was not a complete melody. It lacked Life. It was a mockery of Life, and as a magi would bring forth golems of stone or clay, so did Daos bring forth his golems.

"From this song came the celestials, angels, who were the first children of Daos. They were without emotion and without fear, without sensation or hope. They were not truely alive, and their song was beautiful but hollow. Still, their voices joined with the voices of the Gods as they continued to create their world. Daos' song brought forth other spirits, the spirits of the elements.

"They were only spirits, however, with no bodies, and as lifeless as the celestials that shared the skies with them. Azhure saw that they had no bodies and no life, and added a new harmony to the song. From this song and its many intertwining melodies came their bodies. From these bodies came new songs, and from those songs came the mortal races of Kythandria.

"The elves, who were the first of all the mortals, as long-lived and graceful as the spirits within mortal bodies could be. They were Azhure's first children, and best loved by her. From the spirits of the earth came the dwarves, who were sturdy as the stone from which they were carved. From the songs of the spirits of the air came the birds and flying creatures.

"Still, they were Lifeless, until a whisper from the Chaos found its way into the song. The Chaos added change, added Life to the melody. Daos tried to stop the song, because the Chaos would fracture his perfect beings, but could not until the last of the Children was formed. The Last Children were the Humans. Those who were curious and free, ever-Changing and Alive. You are a lucky child.

"But I did not begin this tale with the aim of telling you the history of the world. There is only one part of this tale that concerns me.

<Read On....>