5.Defining your Character - These two groups define the character in it's most general form. There are however other distinctions that need to be considered. One of these is your character's alignment. How strongly they are influenced by good and evil, law or chaos will reflect many things about a character. Who they will trust (if anyone), what gear they will use, whether or not they are likely to retrieve corpses for other players, what clans they will seek out to join etc. 6.Kingdoms - Another part of your character is how they regard kingdoms and clans. There are several clans in Darkening Sun. Will your character choose to seek one that holds beliefs close to thiers, or are they more of the solo type? How about their kingdom? Will they follow the way of the freedom loving humans, the standoffish elves or the battle hungry Orc? 7.You - Lastly, but far from finally, your charcter is an individual. You have your own view on the world, and how it should be. How you take steps toward that end dictates ultimately what kind of a character you are. All of the above items combine to form your character's outlook. What kind of mobs does your character kill? Where does he or she choose to rest after a hard foughtbattle? What skills do you want your character to develop first? Next? Not at all? This is usually defined by your history. |