Nobility: The Arcane does not take all and each applicant must prove their worth before being accepted. Also dabblers, as members of the Arcane like to call spellfilchers and magiknights, who have not devoted their entire lives to the Art are not allowed entrance.
Rule: Like any kingdom power has shifted through the centuries. Mages, often those of dark, must defeat their superior through combat to become ruler of their order. Formal challenge against the ruling Archmage, known as the Challenge of the Three, may also be issued. Once every thousand years or so however a rogue band of mages seek to overpower the ruling faction resulting in an all out mage war. Historians have recorded three such battles and the land is still scarred from it.
Relationship with the Kingdoms: Many a king has tried to take over the Halls of Dweomer through the years for reasons of ambition or greed for it is well know that he who controls the Arcane controls the realm. Finally after centuries of bloodshed a pact was made between the Arcane and the 5 kingdoms. Neither would act against the other directly and indirectly on the pain of death. Meaning any mage from within the Order who did so would be handed over to the kingdom and hung. Titles: The ranks of the Arcane Magi are as follows: