The Thief Stealthy and agile, the Thief can move unseen among his enemies and, through his knowledge, can gain access to even the most secure areas. His uncommon dexterity makes him a difficult target and his ability to sneak up from the rear and stick things in tender spots makes him a fearsome enemy. The profession itself is not dishonorable, it being the thief himself who chooses his destiny. Thieves are a marginal class. They do few things better than any other class, but have the widest range of skills available. Thieves are specialists at covert actions, as well as unlocking doors and disarming traps. They are strong fighters though they lack the wide weapon selection of warriors. They begin the game with both dagger and steal only unless the default group is chosen. This includes:
Skill Package:
Backstab - the art of attacking from the shadows |