Roleplaying a Sylph: Sylphs are a more dark-hearted version of their cousin, the faerie. If fae are innocent and childlike, sylphs are conniving and selfish dominated by lust and concerned only with the proliferation of their race. Unlike faeries, sylphs may only be female. However you play a sylph, whether it be a beguiling dark mistress or as a lighthearted if malicious creature, your purpose must be clear. Your race was cursed with insatiable lust and the most important thing for you is to mate constantly. Men for you are necessary but in themselves unimportant, they are playthings, merely the means to an end. Sylphs, like their faerie cousins, are daughters of Chaos. However another darker mix has been added, for they are the daughters of Desire as well. As lust overrides their being, they know little of love and compassion. They have no conscience, consumed by their desire to have intercourse with as many men as possible. This leads them to follow a chaotic and oftentimes evil path. |