Roleplaying an Orc: Contrary to common belief are not savage creatures with no purpose. They have a highly organized society and a firm heirarchy of power. They live their life with militaristic ferocity and punish a sign of weakness severly. They are brute warriors true, relying more on strength of body than of mind, but warriors they are. They share little with the more refined races and nothing with their silver-elf anscestors except their eyes which have identical shape. A harsh reminder of how they came to exist. To play an orc character is to play a race which values strength above any other ability. Your ultimate purpose in life (aside from the destruction of the silver-elf and other weaker races) is to prove that you are a worthy warrior, a valuable member of your tribe. Though these tribes war constantly they are fiercly loyal to each other in times of battle. Their strict organizational heirarchy makes them creatures of law more often than chaos. Make no mistake about it however, orcs are an evil race corrupted a desire to be the ultimate rulers and by seething hatred of weakness. They maintain the belief that brought their race to existance, that they are superior and all other races must either bow before them or face annihilation. |