The Magiknight Physical prowess is an essential part of a warrior's training as well as his all his overall consuming passion, making most other pursuits impossible. For a determined few however, mastery of the body is not complete without mastery of the mind. These chosen elite become the magiknight, a fearsome combination of mind and body... steel and spellcraft. While neither a true mage nor a true warrior, he is enough of both to be a powerful opponent. The magiknight descends from a dedicated group of warriors who have pledged themselves to learning the mysterious art of the arcane. Dedicated and patient, they have been able to learn incredible amounts of knowledge, however they were unable to complete their training after being forbidden to do so by the warrior's guild. Since that moment, they have secretly written in tomes about the ancient arts of magi hoping to pass it down to future generations. Both realms and skills are available to this class:
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