Roleplaying a Goblin: Goblins, although seemingly one of the weaker evil races, are a very exclusive group. They live within the tribal order, with constant warring within the tribes to decide which tribe leads the others to battle. Internal warfare is their way of life and battling another of a higher social order is the only way to increase one's standing. Combined with the fact that the goblins are at constant war with other races leads to a very short life expectancy for any goblin tribal chief. As a goblin, you are one of Rakath's chosen (you hope). You try your best to please your god, sacrificing regularly to him. You abhor magic, and hate those who use it. Unless the person who uses the magic is a goblin himself, then he is no doubt out to get you for being greater than him on the evolutionary scale. You are wary of alliances, at least alliances which have outlived their use to you. For you everything is a game of strategy and power. Goblins, with their enormous greed for gold, and their lack of interest in hard work, tend to try and find ways to earn gold with the least amount of effort. Stealing a few coins from a beggar's cup, or looting a knight's gold filled purse is considered more praiseworthy than several hours of hard work. This, and their lack of a proper social structure, clearly mark them as chaotic creatures. Their selfish nature and opportunistic nature as well as their intolerance for other races mark them as evil. |