Roleplaying a Drow: It is the propagation of lies that bind drow society together, the ultimate perpetration of falsehoods repeated so many times that they ring true against any contrary evidence. The lessons the young drow are taught about truth and justice are so blatantly refuted by everyday life it is hard to understand how any could still believe them. You are a survivor existing -revelling- within the evil fabrication that shapes your world. You live in the belief that anything is acceptable if you can get away with it, that self-gratification is the most important aspect of existence, and that power comes along only to she, or he, who is strong and cunning enough to snatch it from those who no longer deserve it. Compassion has no place within the drow lands. Lies engulf the drow in fear and mistrust, refute friendship at the tip of the Ile-blessed world. The hatred and ambition fostered by these immoral tenets are the doom of your people, a weakness that they perceive as strength. The result is a paralyzing, paranoid existence that the drow call the edge of readiness. Your society and upbringing makes it almost impossible for you to be any alignment other than evil, be that chaotic or lawful. You revel in ambition, rejoice in power and let nothing not even a fellow drow, stand in your way. |