Attributes Each character is made up of 10 attributes. These are: Primary Attributes
1.Strength (St) - The ability to use your muscles to their greatest advantage. Race plays a large determination in the real strength of your character. 2.Quickness (Qu) - The measure of your reflexes and reaction time.. 3.Presence(Pr) - The ability to control your own mind - courage, bearing, self-esteem. It plays a major role your ability to influence others. 4.Intuition (In) - The combination of your luck, genius, precognition, ESP, and favor with the gods. 5.Empathy (Em) - The measure of your relationship to the all-pervading force that is common in all things natural and supernatural. The strength of your soul. Developmental Attributes
6.Constitution (Co) - Your general health and well being, resistance, and overall durability. Note CO is not as important on ROM muds. 7.Agility (Ag) - Your manual dexterity, and litheness. 8.Self Dicipline(Sd) - The control of your mind over your body, concentration, steadfastness, and inner strength. Your ability to go on despite hardship. 9.Memory (Me) - Your ability to retain knowledge and what you have previously encountered and learned. 10.Reasoning (Re) - Your ability to absorb and comprehend, as well as to use your knowledge to draw conclusions. Memory and Reasoning combined would be generally considered a reflection of intelligence therefore affecting things like practicing. |