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The Darkening Sun WIZLIST

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    /--/ \ \ )--=====----=====--ADMIN------=====-----===-\_) \\----\
    |  \ (\_)\   Founder & Developer - Daos  (101)         /\_)\   |
    |   \_)\                                                 /\_)  |
    |       Implementors of Fate - Malaana(100) & Pheolaeria(100)  |
    |                Lady Kalari of Roleplay(100)                  |
    |             Ancient of the Heavens - Tilthian(100)           |
    |                Ancient of Realms - Drazhad(98)               |
    |                                                              |
    |--------------------- [COUNCIL HEADS] ------------------------|
    |                                                              |
    |        CLAN        ROLEPLAY & SUPPORT         LAW            |
    |       Eyterix            Liraela             Merv            |
    |                                                              |
    |        LORE                                GAME BALANCE      |
    |       Malaana                                Meerclar        |
    |                                                              |
    |                     REALM DEVELOPMENT                        |
    |                         Ixyltryxl                            |
    |                                                              |
    |----------------------- [IMMORTALS] --------------------------|
    |                                                              |
    |      Korimeh RBLRS          Una RS          Aida RBRS        |
    |               Alstasia RS          Leanbow RRS               |
    |         Izzyn RRS                     Neoptolemus RRS        |

Sun Dec 22 11:55:14 2024

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